Hosting Information
May 1st, 2010 Warlock Spring Open
Hosted By: Clan AWz
Host: P.itch
Meeting Place: Clan LoWs
Max Applicants: 32 Players
Tournament Starts: May 1st, 2010 [Saturday]*
Format: Single Elimination with Consolation*
I understand that, in previous tournaments, the format consisted of double
elimination, but to conserve time, I have changed it to single elimination. With this new format change,
however, I will be able to host tournaments more often. Even weekly if my schedule allows it.
*A Consolation Bracket is also available for players who lose first round
Saturday Matches start at 1:00PM Pacific, 4:00PM Eastern, 8:00PM Greenwich Mean Time
1. All Players must be online and active at the time of their scheduled match.
If they are more than ten minutes late to their scheduled time then a default with be enacted,
and the opposing player will move on to the next round. Exceptions can be made if they are
arranged beforehand with P.itch.
2. All Players must respect their opponents in and out of their matches. Any insults caught may result
in a default or one to two round penalty [in-game].
4. Rage Quitting will not result in any penalties, but please refrain from doing so.
The Spring Warlock Tour is open-based across all of the servers. As such, delay/spiking issues
may interrupt gameplay. To balance this problem out, matches consisting of different realm players
will be played once on each respective players server. Please review the following variations below,
and locate your corressponding match settings for your specific match. If you have any issues, please
contact P.itch.
1. Winner's Bracket and Consolation Bracket [Same Realm]
One Match; One on the two player's realm
-league B
-circle or -square [Host's Choice]
First to 6 Points Overall
2. Winner's Bracket and Consolation Bracket [Different Realms]
Two Matches; One on each player's realm
-league B
-circle or -square [Host's Choice]
First to 12 Points Overall*
*In the event of a tie, -- TBD
1. Moclac [East]
2. FatalTornado [East]
3. Shaful [EU]
4. Evil [EU]
5. Inis [EU]
7. Applecheese [EU]
8. HornytheReaper [East]
9. Hksaru [?]
10. Benjamin [EU]
11. WrathofKolis [EU]
12. Danger[Sand]
13. Shaful [ASIA]
14. WK.Storm [EU]
15. Coolopotmus [East]
[More When Necessary]